Cheapest Chip Bark For Sale in London - Bark Chippings Supplier - Play grade Bark Chips and Decorative chipped Bark for general garden landscaping
Wood Chips
Chip Bark
Bark Chipping
Chip Bark

Chip Bark Suppliers

London Suppliers Chip Bark, Wood Chippings, Bark Chippings

We supply both play grade chip bark for play areas and decorative bark chipping for your garden. These are supplied in large builders bags approximately one cubic metre in size. This will cover 20 square metres to a depth of 50mm. It may be advisable to increase the depth in areas of high pedestrian use. We also supply compost and wood chip bark for use as garden mulch.

Chip Bark at Bargain Prices - £35 per Cubic Metre - Cheapest in London - Breaking NEWS!

If you are looking for for an absolute bargain we can supply freshly chipped bark at just £35 per cubic metre. It is a cost effective solution and has many uses. The bark is delivered loose in a tipper truck for kerbside delivery. Generous discounts given for bulk orders. Delivery charges apply -see the bottom of the page.

Our top quality play grade chip bark conforms to BS EN1177 for use as a cushion material and is perfect for adding the finishing touch to children's playgrounds and play areas. The minimum recommended depth is 50mm but in high use areas this should increase to at least 150mm. The play bark can also be used as a decorative finish on garden beds and borders.

Our ornamental chip bark is the perfect way to finish off any garden or landscaping project. Popular uses are window boxes, flower borders, shrub beds and entire pathways and driveways. It is a top quality landscaping product with eye catching aesthetic appeal.

Wood BarkGeneral Benefits of Chip Bark

  • Play grade chip bark acts as a safety cushion
  • Decorative and ornamental use in landscaping
  • Prevents the formation of soil crust
  • Allows good surface area drainage
  • Prevents weed growth

Bark Chip Prices

Play grade safety Bark, tested to BS7188/ISEN1177, is sold at £95 per cubic metre bag
Ornamental Chip Bark is sold at £75 per cubic metre bag

Our chip bark is sourced from our own work as Tree Surgeons and also comes from FSC approved trade suppliers. Our bark prices are amongst the best and cheapest in London. We also give generous discounts for bulk orders

Delivery within five miles of our base in Kentish Town NW5 is charged at £20 and £3 per mile thereafter. Please note that the price is for kebside delivery only. Customers are welcome to arrange their own collection.

Whatever your landscaping needs give us a call and find out what we can do for you.

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